Monday, March 26, 2007

6 Days ti Disney!

So it's 6 days to Disney.  I can't wait.  I was looking at Sierra smile with this incredible innocence tonight she had on her face while she was watching TV and I just smiled.  I couldn't quit smiling at her.  All I could think about her was looking into to her eyes when we walk in that park.  I'm saying it now, I'm going to cry.  What can I say, I'm a crier.  Only because I love her so deeply.
It's going to be so much fun.  Just the people I love the most, enjoying all the magic of Disney.  Who knows, I might even come back with my Tinkerbelle tattoo.
More to come!


Anonymous said...

You made me cry too. Mom

Rae said...

y'all are too sweet... have fun, and say hey to Mickey for me. Love, Rae

Anonymous said...

Go have a bang up time. Our best to everyone.The blog is neat,specially the kid--Love ya ,Dad& Norene

Rebecca said...

BTW, this post was from ME. If Daryl comes back from Disney with a TInkerbell Tattoo I will be a bit concerned.....

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, I would also be a bit concerned about a TINKERBELL tattoo and really have to wonder about him,The drop on his head may have affected him more than we thought. DAD