Sunday, April 8, 2007

golden egg

someone found a necklace i their egg.

end of the week

Ending the vacation week with an easter egg hunt.
Definitely a great week!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

dinner 'theatre'

last night of vacation spent at arabian nights. better theatre than dinner to be sure

Stars and Cars

Pretty cool parade with lots of characters and cars


This was a great show. I wish we had more picture but this was the best disney production I have ever seen.

Friday, April 6, 2007

waiting for the fireworks

with the incredibles shades workin...

No im not tourist ;)

Rebecca the walking souvenir stand.

Ro's in the show

Rebecca was picked as an extra for the Indiana Jones stunt show.

Sometimes you wonder why you do things

Like wait in line for 40 minutes to be dropped 13 stories.

Star Tours

I may have to ride this more than once ;)

Nemo Ride

The girls in front of the Nemo ride


We all got cheezy tattoos yesterday!

Character Gardens

Theses are all the characters that were "grown" at Epcot

Disney Garden

Amazing grrenhouse!

Tomato and Eggplant trees, Cinderella pumpkins and nine pound lemons live here! Very cool stuff
They are researching very interesting ways to grow food here. Lots of hydroponics and "alternative methods"

Thursday, April 5, 2007

flower festival

Today was the first day of the epcot plant and flower festival.
The grounds here are amazing

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

New Best Friends

Sierra met her new best friend Venesa in line for the barnstormer rollercoaster

Crazy plant life.

The plants and flowers are amazing here.

Test track

Inside the test track

Nemo ride

The nemo ride was awesome. Sierra will love it, tomorrow.

A day for the big kids

ok so we left Doodle at home with the gp's so today should be a little more streamlined.

dont worry, we're bringing her back tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

end of the evening

Goodnight to the magic kingdom.
what a great night.

my first mouse ears

We got doodle some ears with her name on them of course.
She was quite pleased

snow white

The park is starting to thin out a bit so the lines are getting shorter thank goodness. off to pirates of carribean after this.

things you do for your kids

like go on the most annoying ride ever created.

Its a small world, ya know

we're here

its goin to be a great day

Monday, April 2, 2007

Disney Stars

We met several Disney stars today. Sierra's autograph book should be full by weeks end.

Tree of life

This is the best thing Disney does. I mean this looks like a freaking huge tree with faces carved in it. But its not real even though there is no reason to believe its not. Its just another one of those illusions that no one is better at pulling off.

we have a winner

We cleaned up on the cheezy boardwalk games. Our third animal won today!
The only person who didnt win Sierra a prize was Pappi. ;)

We still love him though.